
DANVILLE, Va. – The National Weather Service has extended a flood warning for the Dan River through Saturday night.

Blacksburg meteorologist Reggie Roakes expects the river to crest at around 28.2 feet on Friday. That would put the Dan in the “moderate” flood stage locally. On Feb. 8, the Dan River crested at 27.2 feet, which was the third-highest crest since 1996. At 21 feet, river flooding will close sections of the Riverwalk Trail and sections of Trade Street and Water Street.

Roakes says Danville did not see the heavy downpours that had been forecast overnight but cautioned that we could still experience bands of heavy rain over the next 24 hours. The storm is expected to linger through Friday but the heaviest precipitation should come today.

The Dan had risen to 21.1 feet Thursday morning, which is considered minor flood stage. The river is projected to rise throughout the day and evening and crest at 28.2 feet tomorrow morning. At Paces, the Dan is expected to crest Saturday at 29.1 feet. The record there is 33.2 feet.

The situation is much worse in Roanoke, where more than a dozen homes have been evacuated and the Spring Valley Dam is in danger of failing. Roanoke Police went door-to-door last night, urging residents along Cravens Creek Road and Lake Drive to head to higher ground.

Roakes says several swift water rescues were reported in Roanoke after motorists attempted to go around barricades and their cars were overtaken by floodwaters. Multiple roads have been closed there due to flooding.

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