The first – and perhaps only – virtual debate for Virginia’s sprawling 5th District was held Wednesday with Democrat Cameron Webb and Republican Bob Good squaring off on issues ranging from law and order to healthcare.
The discussion turned personal when the pair discussed heathcare.
Webb, a doctor who has worked in both the Obama and Trump White Houses, accused his opponent of distorting his record. “I’ll say it here so Mr. Good will stop spreading misinformation,” Webb said. “I support a public option, I support maintaining private insurance and I support using that to accomplish the goals (of) everybody being covered.”
Good responded by saying he favors “market-driven, patient-centric reforms that protect employer-provided healthcare that doesn’t bankrupt employer-provided healthcare or make it impossible for employer-provided healthcare to compete with federally funded healthcare, which is what my opponent advocates for.”
Both are vying for the seat held by current Republican Congressman Denver Riggleman.