
BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) — Management at a Virginia restaurant being investigated for reports that customers were drugged says it is taking extra precautions to ensure a safe experience at the restaurant.

Police said Thursday that there had been “multiple complaints and social media reports” of people being affected by something put in their drinks that caused “cognitive impairment” during their visit to Centro Taco Bar in Blacksburg. No evidence has been found to substantiate the drugging, but police said there is an ongoing investigation involving town police, the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority and the state Department of Forensic Science.

The restaurant said in a statement that it is cooperating with investigators.

“We have a zero-tolerance policy for any behavior that violates or threatens the safety of our patrons or employees,” the statement said. “It is extremely concerning that anyone has felt that their safety or health was compromised in our establishment, and we take these allegations very seriously.

“We are hopeful that the investigation proceeds lawfully and results in no evidence to support these claims,” the statement continued.

The restaurant is retraining staff “on how to recognize, prevent, and report any health or safety violation” and is taking “any extra precautions we can to ensure a safe dining and drinking experience,” the statement said.

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