
With the November election just ten weeks away, the race for governor is a virtual dead heat in Virginia.

While Democrat Terry McAuliffe once held a considerable lead in early polling, the former governor is now running neck-and-neck with Republican Glen Youngkin. That’s according to a new poll from Virginia Commonwealth University.

Youngkin has run an aggressive advertising campaign. Younkgin supporters were out in force in Danville over the weekend, campaigning door-to-door.

According to the statewide poll, former McAuliffe only has a 3% edge over Youngkin, but more than one-fifth of voters remain undecided. That’s smaller than the poll’s 5.2% margin of error.

23% of Virginia voters who were polled said they are either undecided or unwilling to choose either of the candidates for governor.

Polling was conducted by the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs via landline and mobile telephone interviews from Aug. 4-15. Polling covered a representative sample of 823 adults living in Virginia.

Democrats lead by wider margins in the races for lieutenant governor and attorney general, but those races also have higher proportions of undecided or uninterested voters.

Lieutenant gubernatorial candidate Hala Ayala leads Republican Winsome Sears 39% to 31%, but 29% of voters in that race are undecided.

Democrat Mark Herring has an 11% margin over attorney general hopeful Jason Miyares (41% versus 30%) and another 29% of voters are undecided or uninterested.

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