CHATHAM, Va. – Pittsylvania County and RiverStreet Networks are jointly creating an extensive fiber-to-the-home network designed to reach nearly every home in the county.
During Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, Chairman Bob Warren, School Board Chairman Sam Burton, and RiverStreet Networks CEO Eric Cramer signed a memorandum of understanding to continue to expand fiber access across Pittsylvania County.
As the first phase of this joint project, Pittsylvania County and Pittsylvania County Schools are committing a combined $16.5 million to a $75,696,939 fiber-to-the-home project. RiverStreet Networks is also providing a $19.6 million match. The remaining $39.5 million is expected to come from a grant from the Virginia Telecommunication Initiative through the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development.
Over the next three, RiverStreet Networks is planning to pass 11,985 “unserved” places, as defined by the Federal Communications Commission, with this fiber network. More funding is being sought to reach others with the technology.