There was more drama and arguing at the latest Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday. The supervisors were split on how to handle the meeting to hear applicants for the Banister District Seat. Supervisors Vic Ingram and Bob Warren had a back-and forth-about the meeting and if citizens that attended the meeting should get to speak.
Ingram: “It is their district. We need to be mindful that it’s their district, we need to give them a voice. Cause they will express their opinion next November by the way.”
Warren: “I don’t think we should go against the code. It does not call for any public hearings whatsoever. Either we do our responsibilities or we send it to the judge.”
The meeting was adjourned without any motions being approved. The appointment of the Banister District Seat will now likely be up to a judge. Whoever is selected will serve in the role until November 2023 when an election will be held.