Danville Utilities is warning its customers about a solicitation involving an individual appearing at the door, and then falsely claiming to be an energy specialist acting on behalf of Danville Utilities.
In this solicitation, the individual tells the homeowner that, if the home qualifies, solar panels can be installed with no upfront, out-of-pocket costs, and there is an associated energy program providing cheaper rates that are locked in and will never go up. The individual offers to prepare a report based on the home’s average utility bills.
These individuals do not represent Danville Utilities. Utility employees do not solicit door-to-door, and they would not ask you to provide information about your utility bill. While some third-party generation suppliers may use door-to-door sales tactics, they should represent themselves as such, not as affiliates of Danville Utilities.
If a Danville Utilities employee or authorized contractor needs access to your home or needs to review an issue with you, an appointment will be scheduled in advance, and proper identification will be provided for your review.
Don’t provide personal or financial information to a visitor or caller you don’t know. If you have a question about whether someone is a legitimate representative of Danville Utilities, contact the utilities’ office directly at 434-799-5155 to verify the person’s identity. Notify Danville Police or the county Sheriff’s Office immediately if you believe the person is an impostor.
Danville Utilities provides natural gas, water, wastewater and telecommunications services in Danville and distributes electricity to approximately 42,000 customer locations in a 500-square-mile service territory covering Danville, the southern third of Pittsylvania County, and small portions of Henry and Halifax counties.