The Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office is looking for a missing teenage girl. Jamila Jana’a Gadson is a 17-yearold black female, who went missing from her Rockford School Road home in Gretna.

It is believed Gadson met an unknown individual over the internet, who investigators believe she may be in the company of. Gadson is 5’5, 155 lbs with black hair and brown eyes.
If you know Gadson’s whereabouts or have any information related to her disappearance you are asked to call the Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s office at 434-432-7931 or the Pittsylvania County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-791-0044. If the information you provide leads to the arrest of any individual(s) who may have committed a criminal act as it relates to Gadson’s disappearance you may be eligible for up to a $5,000 cash reward if your information leads to the arrest, conviction of the individual(s) responsible for her disappearance. You may also email information to

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