School desk/trampoline/speakers and speaker stands/wet vac/looking for couch336-944-9603
’09 black Mercedes $2500 728-1073
Double carport/shingles/xmas lights/scroll saw/mini football helmets/434-685-3504
Silver for sale or will trade for proof sets 836-5461
Diapers (adult) bed 434-713-3719
Pecans 434-250-4776
Electric stove $50 728-6451
Men’s Carhart XL jacket, Northface jacket $40/ Ray Dunn collectibles/women’s clothes434-710-9308
Wheelchair and other home medical items 793-0275
03 Harley 251-4865
Christmas decorations/ladie’s stick-on pads/baking dishes $5/heating pad 429-5994
Elec candles/coke glasses/stamps/light bulb for scooter/iron/434-710-5324
Cassette karaoke machine/wood for sale/microwave oven $75 434-709-5432