For sale tower speaker, toy crane, coke glasses, stamps, 1979 High Times magazine, 13″ hub caps 434-710-5324 (2nd Call)
Garage sale W-Sat, 2012 4 door Chevy, daycare chairs, electric fireplace, looking for couch, 336-944-9603 (2nd Call)
Looking for Mr. Grasty for firewood 434-429-8846
For sale coffee tables, push mower, weed eater, tray table, heating pad 434-710-2239
For sale leather knife case, knives, bows 434-793-0883
For sale texture, s-90, aluminum railings, 15″ Cadillac hubs, pulpit chair 434-709-6125 (2nd Call)
For sale electric ranges, refrigerators, 42″ riding mower 434-709-6125 (2nd Call)
Looking for enclosed utility trailer, 2003 Harley Davidson Electroglide Classic, 3 pack mower blades for 54″ deck 434-251-4865
Looking for round bales of hay 434-421-2295
For sale stroller, knife block and sharpener, ladies and girls shoes, golf bag with clubs 434-688-8783
Looking for musicians to play in church 434-713-9867