
Two George Washington High School football players signed college letters of intent on Wednesday. Wide Receiver Anthony Brawner signed his letter of intent to Bluefield University and tight end Elijah Bass signed with VMI.


Brawner credited the Eagles coaching staff with helping keep him on the right path.


“I went off on the wrong path,” said Brawner, “I was never staying focused in school. My coaches, all of them, not just Coach Anderson, they were always on me until I got back on the field and it paid off.”


Bass got started late playing football and had to learn how to use his 6’6 250 lb. frame to his advantage. He said he chose VMI because of what the school offers.


“So VMI has the best of both worlds for me, because it has a really good computer science program and it has a really good football team. The fact that it was division one really made my decision,” said Bass.


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