The Danville Police Department earned re-accreditation Thursday from the Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC). This is the seventh consecutive, four-year accreditation from VLEPSC that Danville PD has received. VLEPSC first accredited Danville PD in May 1999.
The next assessment will take place in 2027. In May, an on-site assessment was conducted by three VLEPSC assessors, which consisted of reviewing 191 standards that Danville PD must meet in order to be accredited.
Danville Police Department Chief Scott Booth, Deputy Chief Chris Wiles, Assistant Chief of Services David Whitley, Captain of Professional Standards Steve Richardson, Officer Luke Trowbridge and Accreditation Manager Christine Fekete accepted the re-accreditation certificate in Wytheville, Va. on behalf of the entire department Thursday.
Danville PD is proud to maintain international and state accreditation with the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA) and VLEPSC.
“Today we received our seventh accreditation from Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission. I’m very proud of the work our men and women do each and every day in our community. Being a state accredited agency shows this department is committed to meeting the rigorous standards to be in compliance,” Chief Booth said.