Project Imagine, a community violence intervention collaborative to steer youths away from gang activity, on Wednesday honored two graduating classes, which included the program’s first female class.

The female graduates were Miriyah Barbour, Krishawana Barbour-Allen, Rynia Hedrick, and Mykeria Pritchett. The male graduating class consisted of Amonteze Cunningham, Ryan Hedrick, Jakayden McFall, Shaiquese Robinson, and Garry Warren.

“This is the first time we were able to have a class for young women and a class for young men,” said Curtis Artis, assistant violence prevention manager for Project Imagine. “I am so excited about this.”

Artis said separate classes became possible because the program now has two female outreach workers.

“When I talk with older people, they tell me, ‘When I grew up, I had a village raising me. I couldn’t do anything in my neighborhood without someone telling my momma and disciplining me,’” Artis said. “The village now is Project Imagine. We are the village for these young people. We are going to be in their lives for as long as they let us.”

The program steers youths away from gang activity by developing and maintaining relationships with mentors, and by focusing on goals such as having no contact with law enforcement, improving their grades, completing school, and becoming employed.

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