
Last night Danville City Council voted to approve changes to the city code regarding unpermitted camping in the city. The council passed the amendment in an effort to reduce homelessness, City Manager Ken Larking says.

“This is actually a little lighter touch, it provides for first a police officer to explain to the people that they aren’t allowed to camp there. If they are homeless the officer provides information to those people about services that they can take advantage of to help whatever situation they are in and then hopefully they comply. If not they can be charged with a misdemeanor, which is a much lesser offense,” said Larking.

After the amendment was passed some expressed opposition. Director of House of Hope, Jude Swanson, outlined how the homelessness problem is growing. 

“To give you an idea of the gravity of the situation that we’re looking at in 2021 House of Hope served 140 individuals that came through our doors. In 2022 we served 240 and in 2023 we’re on track to serve 400 people,” said Swanson.

The council said they would continue to look for ways to address the issue.

One thought on “Danville City Council Approves Change to City Code Regarding Unpermitted Camping

  1. What’s going to happen to the homeless when they can’t camp out in the woods out of public view? I hope that they set up camp on the lawns of the assholes who are on the city council. Use some of the ill gotten gains from the casino to build these people a place to live.

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