
During a media availability on Wednesday U.S. Senator Tim Kaine discussed a recent bill he helped introduce that’s aimed at extending vital federal child care stabilization funding—which is set to expire at the end of this month—and ensure that child care providers can keep their doors open and continue serving children and families in every part of the country. 

“Childcare providers are among the hardest working people in the country doing the most important work and often among the most poorly paid even when childcare is expensive and so what we think this $16 million will do is maintain an adequate supply and help providers provide a better salary for their staff without putting that extra cost on families that might find themselves priced out,” said Kaine.

Without additional funding for child care, in Virginia, 88,265 kids would lose their child care, at least 2,861 child care workers would lose their jobs, parents would lose $280 million in earnings after being forced to cut work hours or leave the workforce, and 1,383 child care programs would close.

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