Sovah Health-Danville is hosting a free lunch wellness program in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. “Resilience, Hope and Strength” Presented by Pat Farrell, National Speaker, Author & Life Coach will be held on Oct. 26 from 11:30-12:30 pm in the Presidents Suite at Averett University North Campus.
Learn and explore simple yet effective tools to keep your body and mind healthy, while building resilience to life’s daily challenges. Lunch provided. Seating limited. Registration required.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a time aimed at supporting those living with breast cancer, celebrating survivors of breast cancer, thanking our caregivers and providers, and stressing to all the importance of regular screenings and education. This program will focus on investing in attendee wellness and building upon the importance of personal resilience.
To register, please email no later than Oct. 23.