
The Danville Police Department is pleased to announce the addition of NIBIN (National Integrated Ballistic Information Network) tools now located in the police department at 1 Community Way.

The department now boasts the only NIBIN technology in use in southwest Virginia outside of the Virginia Department of Forensic Science in Roanoke.

Combined with BallisticsIQ, which helps analyze and select the best casings for use in the NIBIN system, crime scene will now have the capability to tell if collected casings connect the firearm used in a crime to any other crimes nationwide.

What used to take months, NIBIN will deliver results to the department in hours.

“The use of NIBIN technology allows us to quickly solve crimes that have occurred, even those where there are no witnesses,” Interim Chief Chris Wiles said. “The Danville Police Department is proud of the relationship we have with our community members; many of whom have stepped up to provide tips, video, or photos to help us quickly bring offenders to justice. The use of technology will never replace the relationship we have within our community, only enhance it.”

Since 2018, the Danville Police Department has had over 370 hits (firearms found to be linked to other crimes after casing analysis) using NIBIN. It has proven many times over to be an invaluable tool for reducing crime and gun violence.

With the help of Officer W.D. English who recommended NIBIN for departmental use, the program was funded in part by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services ARPA Law Enforcement Technology Grant Program. The grant program paid for $156,134 of the overall $170,246. The rest of the funds were paid for out of asset forfeitures.

“This tool is going to help us solve crimes involving guns even faster. I’m very thankful we were able to get this piece of technology for our use,” Officer English said.

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