(Danville, VA) A partnership between the City of Danville’s Treasurer’s Office and the Virginia Department of Treasury will give citizens an opportunity to claim funds previously unrealized. On Thursday November 30th and Friday December 1st between 10am an 4pm residents can call 1-833-302-0704 and staff will be searching for missing monies. A website is also available www.vaMoneySearch.org.
Since 2019 events like this one have helped citizens collect over $796,457 in unclaimed funds. Unclaimed property can include utility deposits, customer refunds, unpaid wages, money from insurance policies, securities and investments, bank accounts, safe deposit box contents, credit balances, refund or dividend checks, tangible property, and more.
The State’s Treasure Unclaimed Property Division behaves as a lost and found for unclaimed monies and property that companies have turned over when they lost track of the rightful owner.