
Last Night Danville City Council voted to table voting on a rezoning application that would allow for a large housing development between Jenny Lane and the Danville Expressway. J Cubas Holdings LLC is wanting to build a housing development with over 300 houses on 100 acres.

Cubas previously proposed building a large luxury RV park in Danville and Pittsylvania County. The Danville Planning Commission has approved Cubas proposed housing development.

City council will vote on the rezoning application at the next meeting on January 16. The vote was tabled due to extenuating circumstances.

City Council also voted to indefinitely table a rezoning application that would rezone property on South Boston Road from Neighborhood Commercial to Highway Retail Commercial.

Many residents that live in the Green Acres area attended the meeting to speak against the application. Residents expressed that they feared what could come to the property and said they hadn’t received any communication from the property owner on what type of business could be located there. 

Councilman Lee Vogler and other members of Council expressed concerns on the lack of communication and not knowing what kind of business would be located on the property.

“Very rarely do I recall kind of blindly voting on a zoning change without having any kind of idea of what may or may not be there and as you point out Mayor, rightfully so, even in those casings there’s been some level of communication with the neighborhood and the neighbors around it and you’re not always going to please everyone, but at least the convesations have been had and it doesn’t seem like thats happened in this case,” said Vogler.

The vote for the rezoning was tabled indefinitely and a rescheduled was not immediately known.

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