
The Danville Pittsylvania Chamber of Commerce is seeking community input to make roads in the area safer.

In 2023, Danville and Pittsylvania County was awarded a federal Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant. The chamber is using the grant to develop a Safety Action Plan for the Danville MPO area.

The Plan will serve as the basis for an implementation grant. The SS4A rests on the Federal Highway Association’s Safe Systems Approach, which stresses redundancy and overlapping principles of roadway safety which include: Safer People, Safer Roads, Safer Vehicles, Safer Speeds, and Post-Crash Care.

The goal set by the FHWA is “Zero Deaths and Serious Injuries,” and the intent of the SS4A process is to implement low-cost but effective measures to improve safety, which may include high-visibility crosswalks, better signage, etc.

The chamber is seeking community input for an active online survey through which they are requesting feedback from residents, workers, and visitors to Danville and the adjacent (MPO) area of Pittsylvania County regarding where they believe the greatest safety issues are. Those who take the survey will be entered to win a $50 Visa gift card.

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