
The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors approved an appropriation of up to $160,000 to cover the cost of new federally mandated drug boxes to be used by the County’s volunteer EMS transport stations at its July 16, 2024, business meeting.

The funds will come from the County’s unassigned fund balance and agencies that have already purchased the boxes will have that expenditure replenished.

The requirement stems from the Drug Supply Chain Security Act under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and enforcement begins November 27, 2024. Previously, hospitals and health systems provided EMS agencies with pre-filled drug kit exchange systems as well as replenishment of used or expired drugs contained within the kits.

The individual agencies have covered the cost of constructing a pharmacy room and accompanying security systems. In addition, each agency will also have to obtain the necessary controlled substance registry license through the federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA).

Pittsylvania County Public Safety has also established its own pharmacy room.

The Pittsylvania County Fire and Rescue Commission set up a committee to work with the affected agencies to ensure compliance and select the solution to meet those needs.

The drug boxes, made of 14-gauge steel, and accompanying software, are manufactured by CompX, and provide complete chain of custody information on narcotics, users, vehicles and consumption.

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