More than 20 local, state and federal agencies collaborated August 23 to simulate a mass casualty training exercise at Unique Industries Inc. in Blairs.

Led by the Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office, the exercise was built around a mock single shooter and simulated fatalities and injuries. The exercise follows a similar event held last summer at Gretna middle and high schools. This year, the organizing committee decided to conduct the exercise at a local business to expand the training opportunity for both law enforcement and first responders. Unique Industries provided the venue for the training, and it also gave the company an opportunity to strengthen its safety protocols, according to Deputy Billy Chaney with the Pittsylvania County Sheriff’s Office.

“The safety and well-being of our associates are paramount and exemplify Unique’s commitment to fostering strong relationships within the communities we operate in. By aligning with local, county and state programs in Virginia, we not only enhance our corporate citizen participation, but also demonstrate our dedication to creating a secure and supportive environment,” according to a prepared statement from Unique Industries.

In all, 80 employees volunteered to participate in the exercise, according to Chaney.

In addition to the response by law enforcement, EMS and a SWAT Team from the Sheriff’s Office, the exercise included a medical transport helicopter from Air Life Virginia. Law enforcement also conducted crime scene investigation training following the EMS and SWAT Team response. The morning concluded with a debriefing for both first responders and law enforcement to go over strengths and weaknesses that emerged during the event as well as a mock press conference.

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