A school in Henry County received a threat on Tuesday. At 1:50 pm, G. W. Carver Elementary School received a threat that was made over the phone.
As a precautionary measure, the school was placed on a partial lockdown. The Henry County Sheriff’s Office responded to the school to assist with the dismissal of students.
Henry County Public Schools staff along with the Henry County Sheriff’s Office are working diligently to determine the origin of the threat to swiftly get it resolved. At no time were students and staff in danger, according to the Henry County Sheriff’s Office.
Recent tragedies at schools around the country have heightened everyone’s concern for the safety of students. The Henry County Sheriff’s Office takes every threat to our school system serious and we will work diligently to bring those responsible for disrupting our schools to justice. Please remind students that if they become aware of a concern to alert school administration and/or the school resource officer so that it can be dealt with quickly.
The Henry County Sheriff’s Office and the school system would like to encourage parents to talk with their children about the importance of reporting suspicious activities or disturbing information to a trusted adult.