A large group of citizens in Pittsylvania County are banning together against a proposed data center and power plant. Balico, LLC (“Balico”) recently submitted an application to rezone more than 2,200 acres in the Banister District of Pittsylvania County.
Balico’s proposal calls for the creation of a world-class data center campus with a dedicated, 3,500 megawatt gas-fired power source. This power source would use the most advanced turbine technologies available and take advantage of existing Mountain Valley Pipeline infrastructure in the Banister District.
Concerned Citizens Chalk Level is citing concerns with noise, given the density of the data centers, in addition to the strain on existing resources. Traffic, health, air pollution, and destruction of farmland and wildlife, as well as the availability of water to support the operation, are also major concerns. The 47 parcels for the proposal are spread across Chalk Level, Sheva, Mill Creek and Whittles.
A community meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 30, at 5:30 pm at Mill Creek Community Church at 3720 Chalk Level Road in Chatham.
The Pittsylvania County Planning Commission is expected to vote on the proposed project at the November 7 meeting at 7 pm. The meeting will be held at 39 Bank Street in Chatham.