In an effort to enhance the ability to solve and prosecute gun-related crimes, the Martinsville Police Department has installed 140 gunshot detectors throughout the City. The department received an Operation Ceasefire grant from the Attorney General’s Office that provided complete funding for the $80,000 project.
The gunshot detectors, made by Flock Safety, have been placed in locations selected by the company to achieve maximum coverage throughout the city. The devices operate using sound detection and triangulation. The detectors’ microphones are programmed to register sounds that match the audio frequency of a gunshot.
Based on triangulation and multiple detectors working together, the Flock Safety software can direct officers within a few meters of the location from where the gunshot was fired. This technology will enable police to respond to gunshots more efficiently, adding to the department’s ability to solve and prosecute gun-related crimes.
“As a department, we’re committed to improving safety and reducing crime in our City,” said Police Chief Rob Fincher, “we are actively looking for ethical ways to use technology to aid in prevention, enforcement, and investigations.”
The detectors work with the same Flock Safety software as the department’s license plate readers that are also located throughout the city. While acknowledging that citizens have raised concerns about privacy regarding the use of technology in policing, Fincher reassures that these devices will be used ethically, as they only monitor the frequency of gunshots and will not monitor other sounds.
“Protecting the privacy of our citizens is a priority for our department, said Fincher, “we would not install any technology that would infringe on that.”