Pittsylvania County Schools Superintendent Dr. Mark R. Jones has announced he will retire at the end of the 2024-25 school year. Dr. Jones began his career with Pittsylvania County Schools in August 1986. He served as a teacher, coach, Middle School Principal, Director of Secondary Education, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, and Division Superintendent. He also served as Assistant Principal in Prince Edward County Schools (5 years) and Division Superintendent for King William County Schools (8 ½ years). For the past eighteen (18) years, he has served as superintendent of schools.
In recent years, the school division has faced many challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, funding issues, and testing changes. Under his leadership, the school division continued to provide in-person instruction during the pandemic, sought available funding resources, and met the accreditation requirement to have 100% of the schools in Pittsylvania County fully accredited. Also, during his tenure as Superintendent in Pittsylvania County, four (4) schools have been recognized as National Blue Ribbon Schools, and the Standards of Learning (SOL) pass rates for students in Pittsylvania County have been above the State average. The average SOL pass rates for students in math and English have been in the top 15% (2024) and 13% (2023) of the 132 school divisions in Virginia. When preliminary rankings were provided using the State’s new Accountability Framework this fall, Pittsylvania County had nine (9) schools identified as Distinguished (top ranking) and nine (9) schools identified as On Track (second highest ranking). The four high schools in Pittsylvania County ranked second (2nd), thirteenth (13th), seventeenth (17th), and nineteenth (19th) out of the two hundred and eighty-five (285) high schools in the State on the preliminary scores on the new Accountability Framework, as well.
Dr. Jones worked with the School Board and community volunteers to ensure the passage of the 1% Sales Tax Referendum for needed school capital projects targeted at school safety and improving the learning environment. He has built relationships with the community and educational partners that focus on improving the lives of students.
During his tenure, the ninth (9th) and tenth (10th) grade Health Sciences and Advanced Manufacturing Academies were implemented at the Pittsylvania County STEM Academy, the Support Services Department began the Ready for Success program for elementary students in need of behavioral support and the STAR program for students with autism, the middle schools began to offer athletics, the Information Technology Department began a one-to-one initiative, and the Career Connections Labs were created and employed in all middle schools.
While serving as Superintendent of Schools in King William County, he was selected as Region 3 Superintendent of the Year in 2015 and served on the State Superintendent’s Leadership Advisory Council for two (2) years. After he arrived in King William County in 2007, 100% of the schools were fully accredited each year of his service there.
On behalf of the School Board, the schools, and the citizens of Pittsylvania County, Chairman Calvin D. Doss stated, “We want to thank Dr. Mark Jones for his many years of outstanding service to our students and staff. His guidance and commitment to quality education spread through his leadership, which continued to lead Pittsylvania County Schools to exemplary growth. It is our hope that he will enjoy his retirement.”