A bomb threat at a Henry County elementary school has been deemed not credible. According to the Henry County Sheriff’s Office, this morning, Henry County Public Schools officials were made aware of a bomb threat that was brought forth by a preschool student at Mt. Olivet Elementary School.
In response, staff immediately followed established security protocols, implementing a shelter-in-place while classes continued as normal. It was determined quickly that the threat was not credible, but all safety precautions were taken. The Henry County Sheriff’s Office and school staff worked diligently to assess and resolve the situation.
In a statement the Henry County Sheriff’s Office said student safety is among their highest priorities.
The safety and well-being of our students and staff remains our highest priority. Both Mt. Olivet Elementary School and the Henry County Sheriff’s Office are committed to maintaining an environment where students feel safe and empowered to report any concerns regarding security.
In light of recent school-related incidents across the country, we understand heightened concerns about student safety. Please be assured that Henry County Public Schools and the Sheriff’s Office take all potential threats seriously and act swiftly to ensure a secure learning environment.
We encourage parents and guardians to continue discussing with their children the importance of reporting any suspicious activity or concerning information to a trusted adult. If students become aware of a potential safety issue, they should immediately notify school administration or the school resource officer so that appropriate action can be taken.
We appreciate your partnership in keeping our school community safe.