
The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors approved a capital improvements project list with a total outlay of $18,314,694 for Fiscal 2025 at its September 17, 2024, business meeting. The areas included are fire and rescue, community and industrial development, parks and recreation, water and sewer and the landfill.

The majority of projects are being carried over from Fiscal 2024 and the remaining were approved during the Fiscal 2025 budget approval process and do not create an additional impact on the budget. This list is presented to reaffirm the capital projects for the upcoming year.

Of that total amount, $2,993,366 will come out of the County’s general fund, $11,271,460 will come from carryover funds, and $4,049,868 from grants and fees.

Fire and rescue will receive a capital outlay of $1,890,585, to include a fire engine, ambulance and volunteer and career apparatus. Building and Grounds is slated to receive $1,075,222 in improvements, and $104,778 will go toward software, telephone upgrades and related services.

Under community and industrial development, projects include renovations to the Moses building, a courthouse facility and jail study, voting equipment, renovations at the Gretna Library, a new bookmobile and broadband infrastructure for a total of $7,806,570.

The Pittsylvania County Schools recreation related projects, which fall under Parks and Recreation, includes funding of $59,100 for potential improvements that would benefit both the Schools and Parks and Recreation.

Water system improvements listed on the capital improvement plan include the Robin Court water system improvements, the Grit Road water supply, a water line extension down R&L Smith Road, as well as other water infrastructure upgrades totaling $1,964,976. On the sewer side, the capital outlay focuses on lift station improvements and other improvements to address critical sewer deficiencies in various areas for a total of $2,689,501. These improvements will be funded with $3,370,878 of grant funds, $268,991 of water and sewer usage fees, and $1,014,608 from carryover funds.

The Pittsylvania County landfill is scheduled to receive a total capital outlay of $2,723,963, with $410,000 funded with the solid waste household fee and the remainder with carry over funds. Those monies will go toward landfill equipment, vehicles, compactor site improvements, purchase of property and landfill construction, and office and breakroom renovations.

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