
DANVILLE, Va. – Democrat Terry McAuliffe is far underperforming his 2013 showing in rural and white parts of southwestern Virginia — by as much as 20 percentage points in some places. Republican Glenn Youngkin leads 52% to 47% with 87% of precincts reporting statewide. The Republican candidates for lieutenant governor and attorney general hold similar leads.

Danville’s 1% sales tax increase for school improvement passed by a wide margin. School Superintendent Dr. Angela Hairston said she was overwhelmed and thanked the voters of Danville “for believing in our school district.”  In Pittsylvania County, the vote is split evenly on a similar tax increase for school upgrades, with the “no” votes leading by just a few votes with 31 of 32 precincts reporting. No: 12,724 (50.09%) Yes: 12,680 (49.91%).

Danville Del. Danny Marshall and Chatham Del. Les Adams both turned back challenges to win re-election.

In the board of supervisors contest, Jessie Barksdale defeated incumbent Charles Miller, 67% to 33%. A three-way race for the Callands-Gretna District seat was won by Darrell Dalton, who got 50% of the vote. And Timothy Chesher captured 60% of the vote to beat incumbent Joe Davis in the Dan River District contest.



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