
With disastrous storms continuing to batter multiple Texas towns, God’s Pit Crew is rapidly preparing to issue another round of much needed relief supplies to the state.

Catastrophic damage was left behind from a tornado which ravaged the Matador area Wednesday night, leaving a wake of damaged homes and loss of life in its trail.  In response, God’s Pit Crew is scheduled to soon send Blessing Buckets, Play Pails, and other relief items to the devastated area.  Relief supplies will leave the Danville, Virginia-based warehouse and travel nearly 1,500 miles to the northern Texas town to bring hope, healing, and restoration to those so horribly affected by the recent storm.

A tractor-trailer load of Blessing Buckets, which are five-gallon buckets containing non-perishable food, water, hygiene items, first-aid kits, Bibles, and handwritten notes of encouragement, will be traveling to Matador, Texas, on Saturday, June 24.  Once in the region, the supplies will be delivered to Motley County Courthouse located at 701 Dundee Avenue, Matador, Texas, 79244.

Along with the Blessing Buckets, Play Pails assembled specifically for children will also be on-hand.  The Play Pails contain toys and activities, hygiene products, water, snack foods, and other essential items that are carefully chosen to help care for a child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs after a natural disaster.  A recent grant provided to God’s Pit Crew by The NASCAR Foundation, a charity whose mission is to improve the lives of children who need it most in communities across the nation, made it possible to have over 1,000 Play Pails already assembled and ready for distribution.

“The damage from this tornado is devastating, and we are praying for everyone affected,” remarked God’s Pit Crew President, Randy Johnson.  “Our ministry is so grateful to be able to send needed supplies to offer hope, and to help those who are hurting.  Thank you to our amazing volunteers and donors who make it possible for us to respond.”

This will be the third load of relief supplies sent to Texas in less than a week by God’s Pit Crew.  The first semi-load of product was delivered to Perryton, Texas, and the second to Longview, Texas, following tornadic activity which swept through those regions over the weekend.

Since the beginning of the year, God’s Pit Crew has responded to 10 different disaster situations throughout the country and delivered over 45 tractor-trailer loads of relief items.

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