
Earlier this week Senator Tim Kaine introduced a bill that calls for the government to fully fund the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act(IDEA). The IDEA puts students with disabilities on an individualized education plan that allows them to be successful.

When the Federal Government passed the IDEA plan they made a commitment to fund 40% of the program. The federal contribution has never been close to 40% according to Kaine and is currently at about 13%. That creates a $24 billion gap in funding.

Kaine elaborated on why it’s crucial for the government to fund their portion of the IDEA.

“When the federal government doesn’t fully fund it’s 40% share then that means that the local jurisdictions have to find those funds and that makes it harder for them to give teachers raises, it makes it harder for them to do facility upgrades to make sure that there’s good technology in schools, and get kids out of trailers and build new buildings when they get too old,” said Kaine.

Kaine also introduced legislation this week that would prevent any president from withdrawing the U.S. from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization without the approval of the senate.

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