In celebration of Earth Day 2024, Pittsylvania County is hosting a roadside cleanup event on Saturday, April 27 from 9 am to noon.

Individuals, families, civic groups, churches, youth groups and more are invited to participate in this effort to pick up litter along the County’s primary and secondary roads.

Those who want to participate are asked to fill out the sign up form and watch a safety video by VDOT(both located below).

For those groups supervising youth age 17 and under, there must be one adult per six children.

Individuals and groups can select the roadway (s) they would like to clean up. The County will also have a list of potential areas available, if necessary. Be sure to fill out the cleanup report after your route is completed and submit it so the County can compile data for future grant opportunities.

Closing ceremony begins at noon at Chatham Middle School

Vests, bags and signs will be provided by VDOT. These items can be signed out Wednesday through Friday, April 24-26, 9 am to 4 pm at the County Administration Building, 1 Center Street in downtown Chatham. Participants will also be able to pick up a cleanup report form at the Administration Building or download the PDF here. To be eligible for prizes, bring the cleanup form to the closing ceremony by noon at Chatham Middle School.

Youth needing to record volunteer hours can download this PDF and bring it to the closing ceremony for signature. It can also be emailed to diana.mcfarland@pittgov.org for signature.

Participants are encouraged to bring their own gloves, grabbers, rakes, shovels and other supplies, but the County will also have a limited number of grabbers and gloves available for pickup at the Administration building. Additional grabbers and gloves may be available at Chatham Middle School beginning at 9 am and as supplies last.

The cleanup event will culminate with a closing ceremony at noon at Chatham Middle School with speakers, refreshments and prizes.

Prizes will be awarded to the group and individual with the most bags collected, the most unusual item found, most miles covered and largest group.

The VDOT vests and signs can be returned Saturday, April 26, noon to 2 pm at Chatham Middle School, 11650 US Highway 29 North, Chatham or the Administration Building April 29 through May 3, 9 am to 4 pm.

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