Barry Mayo stopped by to give us the rundown ahead of the 3rd annual All Citizens Job and Resource Fair!  Over 1,300 jobs will be available for citizens in this community, along with opportunities for workforce development.


Politicin’ & Pig Pickin’

Anne Moore Sparks the President of the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce came by to talk politics and BBQ!  Check it out!


Paws and Claws

Paulette Dean the Executive Director of the Danville Area Humane Society stopped by to chat with Josh about the shelter's upcoming Paws and Claws Fundraiser in October!  Check it out!


Featured Hero: Sylvia Brooks

I am the wife of Curtis Brooks and we have been married for 22 years. I have three children a son-in law and two beautiful grandchildren. I work at Danville Police Department I have been there for   23 years and 9 months. My current position is Youth Engagement Corporal. Being a Police Officer is seen…
