Paul Farrar and Barry Mayo with Danville Community College stopped by to discuss the All Citizens Job Fair taking place at the Danville Community Market.


Cedric Hairston from DCA

Cedric Hairston from the Danville Concert Association stopped by to give us a preview of some great events on the way as part of the Concert Association's 67th Season!!!


Featured Hero: Corey Williams

Corey Williams is an English teacher at George Washington High School and also the founder & creative director of Rivertown, a local creative agency that provides marketing & media services to individuals and small businesses. A Danville transplant & an Averett University alumnus, Corey received his B.S. in Psychology in May 2014. After graduating and…


Drive Thru Food Drive

Karen Harris stopped by to talk about a unique way God's Storehouse will be adjusting for one of their biggest food drive fund raisers.
