As the election nears the early voting period is almost here!  Josh sat down with Danville City registrar Peggy Petty and Pittsylvania County registrar Shani Shorter talk about the process and how successful early voting has become in our community.  Check it out!


Stamp Out Hunger

Karen Harris from God's Storehouse stopped by to talk about the upcoming Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive!  Local postal workers will be picking up non perishable items (no glass) from mailboxes all across the region to support God's Storehouse.  You don't even have to leave the house.  Just bag items up and leave them at the mailbox.


Featured Hero: Sylvia Brooks

I am the wife of Curtis Brooks and we have been married for 22 years. I have three children a son-in law and two beautiful grandchildren. I work at Danville Police Department I have been there for   23 years and 9 months. My current position is Youth Engagement Corporal. Being a Police Officer is seen…


City vs County Basketball Fundraiser

Corporal Sylvia Brooks with the Danville Police Department stopped by to talk about the upcoming City vs County basketball fundraiser!
