As the election nears the early voting period is almost here!  Josh sat down with Danville City registrar Peggy Petty and Pittsylvania County registrar Shani Shorter talk about the process and how successful early voting has become in our community.  Check it out!


David Corp – Attic Sale

David Corp from the Danville History Museum joins us to talk about the Annual Attic Sale.


Featured Hero: Corey Williams

Corey Williams is an English teacher at George Washington High School and also the founder & creative director of Rivertown, a local creative agency that provides marketing & media services to individuals and small businesses. A Danville transplant & an Averett University alumnus, Corey received his B.S. in Psychology in May 2014. After graduating and…


Empty Bowls 2024

Karen Harris from God's Storehouse sat down with Josh to talk about the upcoming Empty Bowls Fundraiser Friday February 23rd.

