Worked in Pittsylvania county schools for 37 years as director of alternative education till 1996. Then to Danville community college until he retired in 1999. Opened RC Wright Group home which is now known as Negril corporation helping people with mental and physical disabilities.   Opened the company with his brother who worked in Alternative education…


Eat Out to Help Out and Stamping Out Hunger

Karen Harris with God's Storehouse dropped by the WBTM studio to chat with Josh about two very important fundraisers for God's Storehouse, Eat Out to Help Out and Stamp Out Hunger!  Check it out!


Drive Thru Food Drive

Karen Harris stopped by to talk about a unique way God's Storehouse will be adjusting for one of their biggest food drive fund raisers.


Stamp Out Hunger

Karen Harris from God's Storehouse stopped by to talk about the upcoming Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive!  Local postal workers will be picking up non perishable items (no glass) from mailboxes all across the region to support God's Storehouse.  You don't even have to leave the house.  Just bag items up and leave them at the mailbox.
