I am the wife of Curtis Brooks and we have been married for 22 years. I have three children a son-in law and two beautiful grandchildren. I work at Danville Police Department I have been there for   23 years and 9 months. My current position is Youth Engagement Corporal.

Being a Police Officer is seen by all as a man’s job and because of this I have had in the past to prove that I was capable of doing the job as well as a man.

My children are my role models and I always want them to be proud of their mom so I work really hard on my job to make them proud to have a mom as a Police Officer.

I would say to other women seeking leadership position. Never give up. Pray often and go for it. I know that because of my faith I am doing a job I love.

  • When I was fresh out of Police Academy and I was released to do Patrol on my own I was dispatched to an alarm call at Value City Department Store. This was about the 5th time that night that that same alarm had went off and our training at that time was to be ready for the unknown. Needless to say I was not ready but I was able to recover safely and we were able to catch that was hiding in the ceiling. If I could do that all over again I would be more focus from the start.

I consider my most significant accomplishment to be planning and putting on Danville’s 1st Youth Police Academy.

Name: S. S. Brooks

Rank: Corporal

Hire Date: 06-01-1995

Years of Danville Police Department Service: 23

Years of Law Enforcement Service: 23

Formal Education: Piedmont Community College and Danville Community College

Job Assignments at Danville Police Department:


Community Police

School Resource Officer

Youth Engagement Officer


Featured Hero: Kenny Lewis

Kenny Lewis was born and raised in Danville.  He grew up in "Crook Town," on Kings Mill Road. He was the youngest of five children - having two brothers and two sisters. When he was one year old, his mother passed away.  He was raised by his father, grandmother and aunt.  In high school, his…


Empty Bowls 2024

Karen Harris from God's Storehouse sat down with Josh to talk about the upcoming Empty Bowls Fundraiser Friday February 23rd.



Featured Hero: Jermaine Parker

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling

Growing up in Danville for me was challenging but a great teaching tool. I grew up on the Northside of Danville, around the Washington Street and Claiborne Street area. My mom worked for a company call Richmond Cedar Works and my dad worked for a moving company Merchants Delivery to help make my life a little smoother. I didn’t have a lot as the kids today but I had lots of love to go with what I had. There were days they were working hard to try and provide for me and my family that I had opportunities to spend with my grandparents. I have to admit I was spoiled rotten by them and to this day by all…lol. I learned a lot just by spending time with them and listening to every piece of advice I could that would make me better. My grandparents and parents would drag me to church for Sunday school, Bible Study and Sunday Service. I do believe to this day this strong religious calling on my life is to some of their credit. On some days after school or church you could find me on the church steps in the community talking to others or listening as people talk to me, I really was an old soul.

To bring this up to now, the teaching tool is this I am currently a Pastor, teacher, coach, mentor and life coach. I have a strong love and desire for everyone that I come in contact with to make them have awareness: do not despise small beginnings and you can be anything you want to be (especially my youth). I love my community and promise to give back every service that was given to me. I have been blessed in many capacities to give back to my community. There have been opportunities afforded to me to work as hospital chaplain, on youth NAACP board, Boys and Girls Club, funeral homes, school system and housing boards, just to name a few. This is my way of giving back to my community and to build that strong unity and love dynamic that is need to help our city and region continue to prosper.
