Christy Harper, Director of Member Engagement, with the Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce stopped by to chat about the Chamber's upcoming seminar, How to Become a Leader.

This will be taking place at the RCATT Center on the Campus of the Institute of Advanced Learning and Research, Wednesday April 10th beginning at 5:30pm.


More information is available by visiting


Cedric Hairston from DCA

Cedric Hairston from the Danville Concert Association stopped by to give us a preview of some great events on the way as part of the Concert Association's 67th Season!!!


Stamp Out Hunger

Karen Harris from God's Storehouse stopped by to talk about the upcoming Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive!  Local postal workers will be picking up non perishable items (no glass) from mailboxes all across the region to support God's Storehouse.  You don't even have to leave the house.  Just bag items up and leave them at the mailbox.


Danville Concert Association 2022-2023 Season Preview

Charles Crumpler with the Danville Concert Association stopped by to chat about the upcoming 22-23 season and what folks have to look forward to!

