Karen Harris from God's Storehouse stopped by to talk about the upcoming Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive!  Local postal workers will be picking up non perishable items (no glass) from mailboxes all across the region to support God's Storehouse.  You don't even have to leave the house.  Just bag items up and leave them at the mailbox.


Christy Harper – Chamber Trip to Ireland

Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce Director of Member Engagement Christy Harper stopped by to fill us in on an exciting international travel opportunity.  The Chamber is going to Ireland and you are invited!  You can learn more at dpchamber.org!


Featured Hero: Alonzo Jones

See the source image

Alonzo Jones was born and raised in Danville.

He joined the US Army straight out of high school and attended boot camp outside of St. Louis.   During his service, he was in the logistics and supply division driving trucks.

After 6 years in service, Jones returned to Danville where he got involved in afterschool programs through city council.

He was appointed by City Council to the school board before the City moved towards an elected school board.

His name was drawn out of appointed school board members lottery to give up his post and seek election in the first school board vote by the public and retained his seat.

After the school board term Jones was requested by then Mayor Rubie B Archie to seek a seat on City Council.  After terms as councilman and Vice Mayor he was selected to be the Mayor of Danville.


Bats & Badges / Eat Out to Help Out

Karen Harris stopped by the Morning Show to fill us in on the details regarding the upcoming 2nd Annual Bats and Badges with local first responders, as well as the annual Eat Out to Help Out Campaign!
