Karen Harris from God's Storehouse came by to talk about the return of the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive after a two year break!  Check it out!


Christy Harper – Chamber Trip to Ireland

Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce Director of Member Engagement Christy Harper stopped by to fill us in on an exciting international travel opportunity.  The Chamber is going to Ireland and you are invited!  You can learn more at dpchamber.org!


Featured Hero: Corey Williams

Corey Williams is an English teacher at George Washington High School and also the founder & creative director of Rivertown, a local creative agency that provides marketing & media services to individuals and small businesses. A Danville transplant & an Averett University alumnus, Corey received his B.S. in Psychology in May 2014. After graduating and…


DPS Education Foundation Turkey Trot 2021

Anne Moore-Sparks stopped by to chat with Josh about a fun opportunity to get a little exercise before you chow down on Thanksgiving for a great cause!
