Cathy Gore President and CEO of the United Way of Danville and Pittylvania County stopped by the morning show to talk with Josh about the United Way's affiliation with the Dolly Parton Imagination Library.  The mission to help kids be at a third grade reading level by the time they reach third grade.  The Dolly Parton Imagination Library send out free books to children to start their at home libraries.  Give it a listen!


Chris Albrecht – Caesars Virginia

Chris Albrecht SVP and General Manager of Caesars Virginia stopped by to give us an update on the happenings going on at the Schoolfield site and other community involvement projects!


Early Voting About to Begin

As the election nears the early voting period is almost here!  Josh sat down with Danville City registrar Peggy Petty and Pittsylvania County registrar Shani Shorter talk about the process and how successful early voting has become in our community.  Check it out!


Danville Public Schools COVID-19 Update

In the midst of all things Coronavirus schools have been one of many things impacted.  Dr. Jones from the Danville Public Schools stopped by to give us an update on what the school system has/is implementing to make sure the learning process continues!
