Josh had a chance to visit with United Way of Danville/Pittsylvania County President Cathy Gore and 2023-24 Campaign Chair Austin Scher and talk about Educate Dan River and how the United way makes impacts on our community!


Commonwealth Hospice Needs Volunteers

Deborah Doss, Volunteer Manager with Commonwealth Hospice stopped by to talk about the need for volunteers to help provide emotional support for Hospice patients in our area.


Stamp Out Hunger

Karen Harris from God's Storehouse stopped by to talk about the upcoming Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive!  Local postal workers will be picking up non perishable items (no glass) from mailboxes all across the region to support God's Storehouse.  You don't even have to leave the house.  Just bag items up and leave them at the mailbox.


DCC: All Citizens Job Fair

Paul Farrar and Barry Mayo with Danville Community College stopped by to discuss the All Citizens Job Fair taking place at the Danville Community Market.
